Business Services

Currency Exchange Solutions For The Business Services Industry

We work closely with our industry partners to see business trends and challenges before they occur. We understand your business cycles, helping you establish pricing strategies.

Dedicated Expertise for Business Services

We provide essential foreign exchange market expertise and experience as you develop pricing strategies and plans to suit the cashflows arising within your business.  Within the Business Services sector, there are a wide range of requirements faced by our clients.  We often see long term contracts with fixed pricing terms which pass the risk of currency movements on to our clients.  Typically, we will support our clients through the process of bidding for work, establishing what the underlying risk is and how they can manage this risk, through the contract negotiations, and for the duration of the contract.   

Our clients’ aim is often to reduce volatility in the profit margins of deals, or to ensure there is sufficient flexibility within the hedging to match the terms of the contract.  

Getting A Competitive Edge

Over a number of years, we have individually helped many clients across the spectrum of Business Services, from companies supporting the Oil and Gas sector, to IT services firms.   One example is a strategic structured hedging programme for a long-dated contract won by a major software and suport services client.  The client has a range of currency exposures, and needed to ensure that the contract would remain profitable over the long term irrespective of what happened in the currency markets.*

*All testimonials, reviews, opinions or case studies presented on our website may not be indicative of all customers. Results may vary and customers agree to proceed at their own risk.

What our customers say about us…

As a fast-growing company working on an international stage, we needed a currency company that at least matched our pace of change. Dynamic FX strategies and attentive customer care meant we have never lost our footing to currency markets volatility despite our growth rate. Highly recommended.

Mr Loughty, CEO Tech Start-up

Ask the Currency Experts

High bank charges, cash flow management, destination country regulations and currency market volatility that could wipe out company profits are just some of the pitfalls your business needs to navigate when making international money transfers.

Our Currency Experts would be pleased to answer any queries you have about the currency markets or how we protect and help grow your business. To speak to a Currency Expert – contact us.