Avoiding hidden or unmanaged currency risk in your business model

For many businesses operating internationally, recent political and economic events have highlighted the impact on currency market volatility on their business. How can businesses develop effective financial models that factor in currency risk?

Business Perspectives host Greg Smith and special guest Lance Rubin from Model Citizn, discuss the key challenges faced by businesses building financial models to assist in managing their businesses during these challenging times. To listen to it, click on the link below.

Speaker Panel

Greg Smith


Greg has been helping businesses succeed in international markets for many more years than he would admit. A Fellow of the Chartered Institute for Securities & Investments, he has improved profits and reduced risk for many businesses from large international to small family firms operating in a wide variety of industry sectors. Known for his directness and strategic approach, Greg’s favourite question is, “How does this affect me and my business?”
Lance Rubin - Model Citizn - Updated


Lance helps businesses make Relevant, Informed and Purposeful decisions with Insight. He helps businesses navigate good and bad times by providing strategic insights and advice through education and developing the highest quality financial tools. Lance and his team at Model Citizn apply financial modelling, analytics and automation skills to deliver valuable outcomes for their clients. Lance is also a judge on the world’s first Financial Modelling Innovation Awards.

Financial Modelling

Lance and his team have produced a number of helpful articles for Businesses looking to build effective business models to help manage their businesses. Below are three popular articles from their Financial Modelling Knowledge Hub.

Best Practice Formula Construction for Financial Modelling

Without the fundamental foundations of best practice principles things quickly get off the rails when it comes to building financial models.

We take a look at top tips for formula construction that align with Flexible, Appropriate, Structured, Transparent – One of the well-known financial modelling standards has a great acronym that is often used to benchmark models.


Fundamentals of 3-way cashflow modelling

The fundamentals of 3-way cash flow modelling is often also referred to as the use of 3-way models that include the 3 financial statements that are all integrated through formulas and assumptions.

The 3 financial statements are the Income Statement, Balance Sheet and the Cashflow Statement. We take a close look at assumptions made in 3-way cashflow models and how these assumptions impact our forecasting.


How sensitive is your model to impacts?

Sensitivities are all about seeing how changes in an identified variable impact certain outputs and outcomes.

When probabilities and elements of uncertainty (which are always present) are overlaid onto your analysis, sensitivities can tell a whole lot about your business environment and not just about the numbers.

When you thoroughly understand how financial (and even non-financial) variables impact each other, you can far more effectively manage your business.


To access the full suite of articles from the Model Citzn team visit their website, or you can download the app to you phone.

How Model Citizn help businesses

Model Citizn helps businesses and governments make Relevant, Informed and Purposeful decisions with Insight. Providing strategic insights and advice through education and developing the highest quality financial tools and models. This includes converting complex webs of technology infrastructure into simplified tools that help teams evolve and make great decisions and execute excellently. Developing Power BI dashboards with impact along with resolving their data environment challenges is an important step enabled by Model Citizn.

Model Citizn helps organisations around the globe solve some of their most complex problems by forecasting cash flow, changes to sales credit terms, expense management, property development, capital raising and valuations to name a few. With decades of combined experience we assist a diverse range of businesses providing engaging solutions that empower businesses to make informed decisions with or without modelling skills and financial literacy.

Lance Rubin is CEO/Founder of Model Citizn. He can be reached on +61 405 329 098 or at lance@modelcitizn.com.

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Vatsal Trivedi

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